February Writing Prompts


Here we go again…  Let’s spice it up a little bit this month!  ~M xo

1. Phantasmagorical
2. Niches and nooks
3. Blushing authenticity
4. Intimate endeavors
5. Silly n sexy
6. Moonstruck repercussions
7. Inexpressible notions
8. Red crush
9. Erotic sentiments
10. Bloodthirsty and blazing
11. Ravishing peril
12. Sumptuous and sweet
13. Desperate obligations
14. Intense attraction
15. Dedicated to denial
16. Hippie harbor
17. Precarious quandaries
18. Corner gridlock
19. Steadfast turmoil
20. Cupid’s conspiracy
21. Immortally cantankerous
22. Amorous affections
23. Mounting proportions
24. Lavender love
25. Dignified and divergent
26. Giddy ganders
27. Reckless frenzy
28. Volatile voracity

If you’re a new participant, please don’t forget to link back to this post so that I can check out your work.  And as usual, I’ll be posting my responses to these prompts over at my other blog, which can be found here:  Her Writing Haven.

241 thoughts on “February Writing Prompts

Just sitting here putting my feet in the dirt... if you want to join me, leave a comment.