For those who are searching…

“All the answers you’ll ever need are right inside of you.” ~M

Photo: Summer 2022 (Me)

Where has it gone?


How many times have I sat here and asked myself, “Where has all of my inspiration gone?”  And then in a single burst of newfound creative energy, it all seems to come back to me in full force.  I live for the days when the thoughts pour right out of my head into a jumbled mess upon my college-ruled blue lined paper.  Those words literally look up at me and beg me to put them into some kind of sensible order.  We all face writer’s block from time to time though, and I think the best way to work through it, is to pick up a pen, and just start writing anything and everything that comes to your mind.  Kind of like what I’m doing right now.  In fact, I really have no idea where these words are currently taking me.  I’ve been stuck without a decent thought or idea for months now.

I know I’ll never give up on the idea of being a writer because it’s the only thing in my life that has ever remained a true passion.  I almost believe that a part of me would surely die if I ever did try to give up writing altogether.  My soul seems to crave words as if my very life depends on them.  So my advice to anyone who may be struggling at the moment is to keep pen and paper handy at all times, and just jot down random thoughts whenever you have the opportunity.  I think you’ll be surprised by just how many ideas suddenly pop into your head, which may often lead to wonderful stories that you might not have thought could ever be possible.

Just never give up, you’re a writer after all, whether you feel like you can officially call yourself that or not.  If you’re here and you’re writing for a blog, then you’re a writer, and it’s important that people hear what you have to say.  You’re words mean something, and you never know whose lives you might touch by the simple things you say and share.  Anyway, these are my thoughts for this quiet Tuesday evening, and I figured it was time to get out of my rut and write something.  I hope everyone is having a good week.  Keep on writing and never give up!  Love, ~M  xoxo

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A truth I often try to deny…


“If your Bible is closed, then you will feel distant from God. His word and truth are written there. It’s a gateway, not just a book, a two-way highway to heaven.”    ~Carl Webber

This quote was written by my closest friend and confidant, and every time I see it, I feel convicted to pick up my Bible and read it. I love this quote so much, that I printed it out and have it framed on a shelf in my office. It’s a constant reminder to me of a truth that I often try to deny. I’ve really been struggling in recent days. It’s very hard to believe and have faith in God when he isn’t here in the flesh. And even though I still feel his presence every single day, I just wish he’d reveal more of himself to me. I think anyone who believes in God feels like this from time to time. I guess I’m just feeling very discouraged at the moment. My life isn’t how I want it to be, and deep down, I think I often try to blame God for my unhappiness. But I’ve got to remember that he didn’t promise me a perfect life, and I really should be grateful to him that I have any life at all. Anyway, these are the thoughts swirling around my head on this beautiful Monday afternoon. Hope all of you are having a good start to your week. ~M xo

Why we don’t get to make deals with God…


A recent conversation has caused me to think about the deals we often try to make with God. I think many of us assume that if we’re good enough, God will allow our lives to be transformed into something amazing. And although it’s true that by keeping a straight footing and aligning ourselves with what scripture tells us, we can often do better. Yet none of this will ever guarantee that we won’t face difficulties and hardships.

Despite what most people may think, we don’t actually get to make deals with God. Sure we normally bargain all day long with the people we’re around. It’s human nature to scratch someone’s back if they’ve scratched ours. But with God, none of that applies. We can never be good enough or cause him to do something for us just because we think we’ve done something for him. He simply does things for us because he loves us fully and completely.

There is nothing we can ever do to be good enough. In this life, we are all equally promised eternal life, just by merely believing in Jesus and recognizing his sacrifice on the cross for us. Anything we’ve ever done that was wrong or hurtful will not determine our destiny, the price has already been paid. All we have to do is believe.

~M xo

Sunday thoughts…


At the end of the day when all is said and done, I’d much rather have God on my side than anyone else. As long as I’m in his good graces, nothing else matters. So I continue to live each day for him, and though I may stumble from time to time, he never fails to offer me his hand to lift me up. There is no other friend I know of who can love me like this and I am so grateful that God chose me to believe in him. I really don’t know how else I’d ever make it through this life.  ~M

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