For all the ladies who have been there…


“You know you’re about to start your period when you’ll eat any kind of candy that contains chocolate, even the stuff you normally hate.  Watch out Whoppers, I’m coming for you!”  😉  ~M

Buffalo sauce sayings…


We went to the zoo today, and my 9 yr old daughter pointed over at the buffalo and said, “Well, there’s what makes our sauce!”

It didn’t register with me at first what she had actually said.  Then when I realized what she meant, I couldn’t stop laughing.  She always succeeds in making me laugh.  Lol…

Thank you my sweet Auti for always being you.  I think one of the reasons God gave me you was because he knew I needed to laugh more.  You bring a rainbow of color wherever you go and the sun never stops shining when you’re around.

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