What would yours say about you?


“If we all contained a “packing list,” I wonder what each one would say.”  ~M

Photo credit: Pixabay.com

December Writing Prompts


Santa’s arrived early this year, for all of you writers out there who are in need of some unconventional writing prompts.  So here’s my gift to you…

Merry Christmas to all and to all a quirky night!  Lol…  😉  ~M  xo

1. Weaving words
2. Thistles and thorns
3. Vermicious Knids
4. Dripping with drudgery
5. Tales of tinsel
6. Conspicuous coincidences
7. Dingle berries
8. Perfectly imperfect
9. Dances with elves
10. Swayed and seduced
11. Oranges aren’t apples
12. Speckled candy
13. Variegated vessels
14. Chestnuts and chisels
15. Stripped and polished
16. Dreidels and ladles
17. Maneuvering the muck
18. Pish posh
19. Chipped edges
20. Idiotic endeavors
21. Pesky punctuation
22. Beanut Putter
23. Cryptic messages
24. Crinkled corn
25. Frosty goes wild
26. Fried green potatoes
27. Royal Excursions
28. Agnostic acorns
29. Gritty globs of goodness
30. Drawing the line
31. Bitter Bones

*Don’t forget to link back to this page if you decide to participate!  I’d love to be able to read what you’ve written and share your links with everyone else at the end of the month.

And as usual… all of my poems can be found over on my new blog at:  Her Writing Haven.  Please come on over for a visit!  😉

For all of my poetic friends out there, this one’s for you!


Some of you may know this and others may not, but I have only been writing poetry for about a year now.  I started this blog a couple of years ago, writing mostly short stories and some inspirational quotes.  And now as most of you have probably noticed, I have switched to writing mostly poetry.

In fact, I counted my poems the other day, and in a years’ time, I have written almost 400 poems.  I was certainly amazed when I realized how many I had written, and that doesn’t even include the ones in the “To be completed” folder.  There’s probably another 100 in there. 

To me this tells me, that I’m finally making progress, and that feels really good.  I love the thrill I get when I complete a job, and I know I’ve put forth my best effort.  And now because of my effort, I’ve had a store owner become interested in my work.

While I was downtown with a friend one day, I got to talking with one of the store owners, and I explained to her that I am a writer, and told her about my blog.  Well apparently, she searched for my blog and liked what she saw, and so the next time I was downtown, she ended up asking me if she could sell my poems at her shop. 

So over the past few weeks, I have been getting my poems ready to sell.  I thought I‘d give all of you a quick tutorial on what I did, just in case you decide you’d like to learn about a fun creative way, to sell your poems too. 

Here are the basic supplies you will need, if you decide to make this project.  (Frame, ribbon or other types of decorations (see pictures below), mat, scissors, surface protector, and a hot glue gun.


Here are examples of some other decorative materials, that you could use.



Then, it’s just a matter of affixing the ribbon, or other decorative item, to your mat. (Cut your pieces, then… wrap, tie, glue, etc.)


And in the end, you may want to make a few more like these…


Then, the only thing left to do, is to put your finished mat and poem, into a frame of your choice, and there you go!
