Time to make some changes – March 2021

This past year was not the best year for many reasons, and I think many of you can probably relate. So this year, I decided to make some small changes that I thought might help my overall physical and mental health.  For the past two months I’ve written about the goals I’m hoping to achieve, and you can read about those goals here.

I must admit, February was awful. The only goal I continued with was my daily step goal. I was able to manage 10,000 to 12,000 steps per day but gave up on all my other goals after the first week. I know the reason I didn’t do so well was because of some personal issues I was dealing with at the beginning of the month, and I just couldn’t get motivated after dealing with all of that. So after the first week of February, I decided to give myself the rest of the month off and restart my goals at the beginning of March.

Needless to say, I’m happy February is behind me now and I’m hopeful that my emotional state will just keep improving. I haven’t even weighed myself yet because I’m afraid to look at the scale. I have a doctor’s appointment scheduled at the end of this month, and I was really hoping to be in better physical shape by then. I know I can’t achieve all of my goals overnight, so I’m giving myself a little bit of grace, and I’m also giving myself some credit for at least sticking to my walking routine. I’ll be back next month and hopefully, by then, I’ll have better news to share. I’m determined not to give up because I know that won’t get me anywhere. So here’s to restarting once again! 🍻 Cheers! ~M xo

March Writing Prompt Participants


March 2019 Writing Prompt Participants

I just wanna say thank you to everyone for another great month!  There were so many great stories and poems this month, but my favorite was this poem by Beth Loves Blue, called, Partly Paisley.  Please check Beth out, she’s got a great blog and she’s such a wonderful writer.  😉 ~M xo


  1. A new fallen snow

HAVING FUN BLOGGING – https://stc7029.wordpress.com/2019/03/12/march-madness-at-kangaroo-lodge/

Both blanket and Book – https://inscriptionsclub.wordpress.com/2019/03/10/both-blanket-and-book/

Cosistories – https://cosistories.wordpress.com/2019/03/08/new-falling-snow/

NewlifeduringMidlife – https://newlifeduringmidlife.blog/2016/12/06/half-century-old/

Prompted – https://promptedforten.wordpress.com/2019/03/01/a-new-fallen-snow-dead-deer/

Prompted – https://promptedforten.wordpress.com/2019/03/04/mar-1st-a-new-fallen-snow/

A Soldier’s Walk – https://asoldierswalk.com/2019/03/03/a-new-fallen-snow/

Lexikon – https://lexikon.home.blog/2019/03/03/nowhere-to-go-but-down-part-1-a-prompt-story/

This N That With Me – https://cthisnthat.wordpress.com/2019/03/02/1-a-new-fallen-snow-march-promptmemories-of/

Tessa Can Do It! Positivity is Catching! – https://tessacandoit.com/2019/03/02/march-2019-writing-prompts-day-1/

Night Owl Poetry – https://dorindaduclos.com/2019/03/01/a-blending-of-seasons-poetry-marchwriting/

Continue reading “March Writing Prompt Participants”

Saying goodbye to social media

There have been so many disappointments in my life over the past several years and I think a lot of those issues started with being on social media and the repercussions that came with being on there.  I have mulled over this subject for months and months now and I have finally decided that the time has come for me to close all of my social media accounts.  And as many of you have probably noticed, I haven’t been writing much in recent days.  I just feel like I need to take a step back in many ways.  I have so many other priorities right now and I feel like I need to be focusing my time in other areas of my life.  If any of you need to contact me, I can still be reached by email which can be found if you click on my Gravatar.  Thank you all for understanding, and I will still be providing the writing prompts every month and doing my best to keep up with all of that.  Love you guys… ~M xo

February Writing Prompt Participants


Congratulations to all who participated this month!  I think this was our biggest turn out yet.  If I counted right, there were 155 poems and stories written this month, and that doesn’t include any of mine.  So… well done all of you!  Our top three participants were; Night Owl Poetry, Ramblings of a Writer, and Cosistories.  And if you haven’t visited their blogs yet, please do.  They have some great stories and poems that you won’t want to miss!  😉


  1. Phantasmagorical

Walt’s Writings – https://wordpress.com/read/blogs/127080456/posts/2644

Ramblings of a Writer – https://ramblingsofawriter2016.com/2018/02/02/february-writing-prompt-phantasmagorical-day-1-28/

Night Owl Poetry – https://dorindaduclos.com/2018/02/01/nightmares-keep-us-dreaming-poetry-februarywriting/

Afterwards – https://afterwards.blog/2018/02/05/phantasmagorical-in-the-dark-1/

This N That With Me – https://cthisnthat.wordpress.com/2018/02/03/phantasmagorical/

Cosistories – https://cosistories.wordpress.com/2018/02/17/phantasmagorical-you/

Continue reading “February Writing Prompt Participants”