#MidnightMadness – 10/19/2017


“Nerds… they’re the best kind of adults.”

~Brianna Cook (age 16)

Photo credit: pixabay.com

#weekendcoffeeshare – Provoked and Peeved


Good morning everyone, I really hope all of you have been having a lovely week.  It’s been mostly cold, wet and dreary here, so I’m in need of some cheery conversation.  I’ve got a scrumptious homemade chai tea, hot chocolate with extra whipped cream, or regular ol medium roast coffee this morning.  So take your pick!  Alright, let’s get to it…

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that my frustration level has hit a new high this week.  I’m normally a very calm and easy going person, until somebody decides to rev me up.  I suppose I’m just tired of letting people walk all over me, but then I wrestle with the notion that I ought to be sweet and nice and not rock anybody’s boat.

Somedays, I think the best thing I could do for myself, is to just let go of anyone who can’t seem to play nice with me.  After all, I shouldn’t have to put up with all the nonsense when I haven’t done anything wrong.  So often, I feel like I’m back in the school yard once again, with the way people act these days!  The behavior of some is quite appalling and so often unnecessary.

Okay, my little rant is over.  I just needed to get that out, it’s been welling up inside me all week and simply needed to be said.  Now to my very kind and thoughtful blogger friends, I have no problems with any of you.  All of you have been so sweet to me, and WP is my happy place because of it.  So thank you fellow bloggers, let us continue to unite as an unrelenting positive force!

Now I do believe, there is a silver lining in every lousy thing we may face.  And this week was no exception.  I took all the anger that had been building up inside me this week and poured it all out into my writing.  I was having a bit of writer’s block at the beginning of the week, and then all it took was that one last hit over the head for the dam to break, and for me to finally regain my thoughts once more.

Isn’t it funny how our emotions can often drive us to actually getting things accomplished?  When I get angry or upset, I turn my frustrations into productivity.  If I’m at home and someone upsets me, watch out!  I’ll have my house cleaned in a quarter of the time it normally takes me.  That’s just how I am, and how I’ve always been.  I suppose that’s always been my way of fighting back and not giving in to defeat.

There are so many people I know, who just give up the minute life gets a tad bit difficult.  I think this drives me crazier than anything else.  How can you simply give up, when things don’t go according to plan?  In my mind, that just causes a person to become even more beaten down.  Anyway, enough about me and what I think.  Tell me about your week; anything new and exciting to share?  I’d really love to hear about it, so please leave me a message in the comments section.

One final thought… I really hope all of you have a very blessed week, and please don’t ever give up.  Turn your frustrations into creative energy and focus on the positives!  Hugs and kisses!  ~M


Many thanks to Nerd In The Brain for hosting the #WeekendCoffeeShare, a collective of chats over digital coffee among bloggers. To find out more, and to see this weeks posts, go here.

Photo credit: pixabay.com and giphy.com