I’d really like to see that…


“I’d really like to see a vampire who can sparkle, we just don’t seem to have that kind around here.” ~M

Photo credit: Pixabay.com



Straight away she knew who he was and what he was.  The intensity in his stare could not be mistaken.  There was an instantaneous connection as his steel gray eyes pierced her own.  The hairs on the back of her neck responded to the sudden terror that she felt,  and the unexpected sound of her own heartbeat reminded her that one false move and she would likely be dead.  And so the standoff began, with her only defense now miles away.  If she had only realized the trouble she would soon encounter.  But there was no going back as death gripped its icy cold hands around her neck, threatening to steal her very last breath.  And total darkness was the last thing she remembered before the ear piercing screams began.


© 2018 Michelle Cook
Photo credit: pixabay.com

The Daily Post Prompt: Deplete

The Narrow Escape


Delirious from the injections they continually dosed her with, she lay in a hazy fog in a room not much bigger than the bed she was lying in.  The room was completely bare; all potential threats removed.  Night and day, all she could do was stare at a blank white ceiling and try to imagine herself somewhere else.  Nurses came and went, checking on her every thirty minutes.  Most were uncaring and oblivious of her plight, and yet there was one nurse in particular who seemed especially fond of her.

Tonight she was confronted with a new face.  A surly woman with a tight grey bun marched into the plain room.  The woman looked as if she could do a fair amount of damage when met with any kind of obstinance.  Susanna didn’t dare take such a risk and instead lay there on the bed, willing herself to look as uninterested as possible.  The woman went about her business with military precision and then finally made her way over to Susanna.  Abruptly, the woman announced that she would be moving Susanna back to her original room and told her she would be strip searched and partially sedated during the process.

Without warning the needle was forcefully thrust into her arm, as if she were merely some sort of animal being injected out of obligation.  The nurse then demanded she get up at once and proceeded to shed her of her clothing.  During the grueling ordeal, the nurse stripped Susanna of her dignity as well.  After being thoroughly violated, she was ordered to put on a threadbare robe and given a few seconds alone.  The nurse then headed into the bathroom, to complete the remainder of her tasks.  This brief moment was all Susanna needed, as she realized the door to her room had been left ajar.  Now was her chance to finally escape the confines of this prison, which had held her captive for longer than she could even remember.

In a flash, she flew out of the room and headed for the emergency exit.  The door flung open and the brisk icy cold air met her head-on.  It was the middle of the night and the ground was blanketed with a new fallen snow.  A full moon hovered eerily over the old brick asylum; causing Susanna to shiver more from the fear she was experiencing than from the wintry weather itself.  Her senses told her she should run for her life and yet she stood there for a moment contemplating where she should go.  The hospital was surrounded by a dense forest which was nestled in the valley of a widespread mountain range.  Off in the far distance, Susanna spotted a large clearing atop an imposing hill.  An old boarded up mansion could easily be seen; seated at the top of an icy snowcapped peak.  Without hesitation, she decided to run for the large estate and hoped she would be able to find safe refuge there.

She ran as fast as she could, not even daring to look back.  Yet as she continued her trek through the foreboding forest and eventually up the massive hill, an eerie sensation came over her.  It was as if someone were right next to her and yet when she turned to look, nobody was there.  She felt the strong presence of at least one person, maybe even two; yet none could be seen.  The drugs were starting to take full effect and she began to feel dizzy and disoriented.  Trying her best to shake off the feeling that she was being followed, she neared the grand house and realized for the first time just how enormous the place really was.

The mansion looked to be hundreds of years old and because of its current decrepit condition, the thought of going inside filled her with panic and dread.  With no other choice, she continued up the icy slope, hoping to find a way inside.  The house was built in such a way, that it teetered on the edge of a cliff with its backside almost level with the peak of the hill; thus Susanna was able to easily climb onto the snow-laden roof.  She then proceeded to a small window, where she was able to peel away one of the boarded up shutters which led to the attic.  She then slid herself down, into what appeared to be a child’s playroom.

The room was dimly lit and to her great surprise, a little blond boy was standing at a small table, playing with his train set.  He wore blue knickers and suspenders to match and looked up inquisitively at Susanna.  She motioned for him to keep quiet and his blue eyes smiled back at her.  He seemed pleased by her presence and yet the next thing she knew, the little boy suddenly vanished into thin air.  Startled by his sudden disappearance, Susanna began to look for a place to hide.  During her thorough exploration of the large room, she was able to find a small wall panel hidden behind a chair.

Susanna immediately pried off the wooden panel to explore what was behind it.  It appeared to be nothing but an old storage area.  The vacant space appeared to be too small a place to hide in.  She began pressing against the boxes which were blocking her way, and realized that what looked like a small confined area, was actually an opening to a much larger room.  Thus, the boxes were easily pushed aside, and Susanna then crawled quickly into the dark dusty space.

After carefully setting the panel door back into place and pushing the boxes up against the opening, she crawled as far back into the room as she could.  As her eyes began to adjust, she noticed a large pile of old ripped up sheets.  She decided to cover herself up as best she could and hope for a positive outcome.  Unfortunately, the sheets didn’t cover her up completely and before she even had a chance to find another place to hide, she heard several people enter the attic.  There were many loud voices talking all at once and echoing footsteps made their way nearer to her hiding place.  After Susanna’s eyes adjusted a little bit more, she noticed another room off to her right.   Since it was far too late to go exploring the other room, she laid as still as she could and waited to see what her fate would be.

It wasn’t long before the wall panel was noticed and the searchers made their way into the dark musty room.  Susanna watched silently as each person crept closer to her.  Once the other room was noticed, most of the searchers headed there; realizing that it was probably a better place for somebody to hide.  There was one person, however, who remained in the room with her.  She could tell by the sheer size of the person’s silhouette that it had to be a man.  Holding her breath for fear of being heard, she said a silent prayer, asking that her presence would go undetected.  The man ventured back toward where Susanna lay; crawling on his hands and knees and feeling his way around in the pitch black room.  She could see his shadowy figure getting closer and heard his breathing becoming strained.

All of a sudden, the man came across Susanna.  She could feel the sensation of his hands, and it was as if he seemed to notice the softness of her body.  Still partially hidden beneath the thin sheet, Susanna couldn’t seem to be still another moment and found herself foolishly adjusting her leg.  She then knew without a doubt that she had been discovered.  The man was now practically on top of her and so she did the only thing that she could think of; she covered his mouth with both of her hands and let out a hushed “Please…” Surprisingly he didn’t utter a single word and instead began to relax his body on top of hers.  After looking at him closer, she realized who the man was.  It was one of the nurses who had taken care of her at the hospital.  He was the only nurse who had ever been kind to her.

Susanna lay there as still as she could; slowly removing her hands, she then stared straight into the man’s eyes.  A look of understanding passed between them and somehow she knew that she could trust him.  As they lay there in the dark, neither dared say a word.  Susanna could hear the others leave one by one, their voices trailing off in the distance; some mentioning the window which she had forgotten to close.  It was quite apparent now, that they knew she was here.  She wondered what would happen to her if she was caught.  She had heard awful tales of those who didn’t cooperate, being taken someplace and never seen or heard from again.  And yet here she was, with at least a small speck of hope, literally laying right on top of her.  She hoped that somehow, they both would escape.

Written by, Michelle Cook

Based on a dream…

Originally posted: May 25, 2016

Gif credit: orrazz.com

Oh the thrill of being a vampire…


In the spirit of Halloween, here’s the beginning of a short story, that I wrote a couple of years ago.  Enjoy!

Nobody knows my secret and sometimes I doubt who I am myself.  There’s a part of me that misses being human and another part of me that remembers the heartache that human life brings.  The emotional ties to people no longer exist in my current state.  I am finally able to be who I’ve always wanted to be, free of the emotional hang ups that used to rip my heart right out of my chest.  Now I call the shots, I make the rules, I set the stage.  Isn’t this what living should be?  Nobody telling me what to do or how to live my life.  But then, why do I feel so alone sometimes… so lost?  I don’t even care that I just killed an innocent person, I needed to feed and they were there.  It was an easy choice, too easy I suppose.  But isn’t that the thrill of being a vampire?  Taking what you want, anytime, anywhere and never thinking twice about who you hurt.  What more could I want out of life?  And yet, I wonder… is there something more? Am I missing a key piece, to this puzzle called life?  Should I be afraid of who I have become?  I guess only time will tell and until then, I know I will enjoy this deranged way of living.  I can’t wait to meet my next victim.  They always seem so surprised to see me, and I can literally hear their hearts beating right out of their chests before I go in for the kill.  It’s always the same in every person I come across, and in an instant they are free from the agony of this terrible world; this sad, chaotic, frightful world.  So I guess in a way, I am really just doing them a favor, and in return, I get to continue living an eternity of blood lusting bliss.  I do feel some pity for the young ones that cross my path.  But unfortunately for them, my instincts are purely animalistic and I have no conscience either way.  I have hardly any recollection on how I ended up like this.  It seems like a dream that happened long ago.  I may never fully regain my memory of that particular day, but on occasion I do see glimpses of my past.  The images I see are hazy at best, and feelings of emptiness flood my mind as I try to hold onto a particular memory when they do flash by.  I always see the same image, a dark shadowy figure of a man coming towards me, and then in the very next instant, a bright light flashes all around me.  Then there’s nothing… nothing at all.




Have you ever been disillusioned? What I mean is… have you ever allowed yourself to be fooled by something or someone and then later realized that you were deceived?

Take for instance this photo below. I took this the other day while my husband was driving us home. I’m a hopeless romantic and so I couldn’t help but dig out my camera for a shot of this lovely sight. sunset edited 3After a few days, I decided to go back and look at the pictures that I had taken. That’s when I noticed something that briefly shocked and amazed me. I was certain that I was seeing something of a supernatural nature in this photo. In my mind there was no other explanation for it, and I was really quite excited about it.

After further inspection of the photo though, I realized how disillusioned I really was. Take a hard look at this picture. What do you see? Look carefully and tell me what the image on the bottom left side looks like to you. Do you see a divine creature standing there in the doorway of the building? I sure as heck did! But now look closer… can you tell what it really is? I won’t give the answer away just yet. I’d like for all of you to figure it out on your own if you can, but this is what made me think about the topic of disillusionment. Do you see how easily we can be convinced of something, when we are seeking to find that which really isn’t there at all?

Which leads me to this… have you ever been deceived, mistreated, or rejected by someone? I think I can safely say that all of us have faced this kind of treatment a few million times in our lives. The thing I’ve been wondering is… are we really being deceived, mistreated, or rejected, or is our own warped perception causing us to think this is happening to us. Are we really so disillusioned by our own feelings and emotions that we convince ourselves of being victimized?

I am the kind of person who overthinks everything. I over analyze every single word a person says. Someone can look at me the wrong way and I’m convinced that they must surely hate me. Usually from that moment forward, I tend to steer clear of that person and I don’t usually give them a second chance. I’m so self-absorbed I know… I always think that everything is about me! When really… that poor person was probably just having a bad day and they didn’t even realize they were looking at me strangely. Do we wrap ourselves up so tightly in our own self-consciousness, that we miss the truth about what is really happening around us?

Now don’t get me wrong, I know there are plenty of manipulators out there. I have been played many a time by people that I thought were my friends and turned out to be just masquerading as friends. I tend to be the kind of person that trusts blindly in most situations, because I fail to see how there could be even the slightest bit of evil in a person’s heart and this gets me every time! I don’t want to see the bad in people! I see myself as a nice person who only wants to show compassion to others and I expect others to play nicely with me. I am always left in shock when this type of behavior isn’t returned. My expectations of people are so high, that it leaves me feeling frustrated when they don’t live up to my standards of how I think a person should treat me.

I am at the point now, where I am realizing that I cannot keep living life by trusting blindly and expecting people to treat me the same way that I treat them. It just isn’t realistic nowadays and I’m wondering if it ever has been. But why has it taken me so long to realize this? Am I just so lonely from having hardly any friends in my life for so long, that I am willing to look past the obvious deceitful manner of some? How have I come this far in my life… almost 44 years now, and yet I still allow people to toy with my feelings, blindsiding me every chance they get.

I found a verse that spoke to me yesterday as I was reading from a nightly devotional with my daughter. The verse is Proverbs 4:23, which says… “Guard your heart more than anything else, because the source of your life flows from it.” I don’t remember ever having read this verse before and I know I surely must have. For some reason, instead of just reading the words this time though, they actually sank in and grabbed me by the seat of my pants. It was as if God had just spoken the words audibly to me. I realized right then and there that I have not been guarding my heart at all. I am so quick to just leave it open for the whole world to step upon and use me for their own selfish reasons.

In our desperate attempts for love and to fulfill the loneliness in our lives, I think we allow ourselves to leave our hearts wide open. When we do this, we are allowing the world to fill the void and we aren’t allowing the Spirit to take his proper place and fulfill that emptiness in our hearts. Can any of you relate to this? I think I have learned another valuable lesson the hard way. Oh when will I ever grow up!

Here’s the picture from above in larger form.  Have you figured out what it is yet?  I’m betting you can tell what it is now.  I’ll wait for somebody to take a guess in the comments section, before I give the answer away.  sunset edited 4Just like our perspective of people, I think we have to look at the bigger picture to really gain a clear understanding of who each person is and whether or not they are trying to take advantage of us in some way.  Maybe the answers to all of these questions will be more obvious to others who don’t go around blindly trusting like I do.  😉 ~M

Photo of girl found at: gbi.photoshelter.com