October 2019 Writing Prompts

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Hey Everyone,

I was in the mood for some story starter prompts this month, so that’s why these are a bit longer.  Enjoy!  ~M

  1. The fizzled enchantment and other stories of ruin
  2. Along the weathered, winding trail
  3. A swirling sea of mushrooms
  4. The place where silence had a voice
  5. Marching through the elements of time
  6. Another fictitious character and me
  7. At the pinnacle of sadness
  8. A road too narrow and a bridge too far
  9. The mystery of the pungent pudding
  10. Shades of powdered blue and you
  11. They scattered like marbles among the leaves
  12. Transfixed on the doorway to nothingness
  13. The carnation curse and the crime of the century
  14. Isabella and the lost sea urchins
  15. Too shabby to be chic
  16. The moon of planet #265
  17. The allurement of her resistance
  18. Futile fabrications of a fashion queen
  19. And just like that he was six feet under
  20. Sparing the spoiled and relishing the outcome
  21. The pages of his life were too tenuous to handle
  22. Her rare affliction became his only cure
  23. Desperation became her saving grace
  24. Peter the great and the tempting tart
  25. The weirdness of Wyatt Wintergreen
  26. A sniveler met a star-gazer and nothing has been the same since
  27. Tootsie pop tales and other tantalizing tidbits
  28. The purpose of a gnat named Norris
  29. A sunset setting topped with six-inch stilettos
  30. With soulmate in hand, she fought until the bitter end
  31. The magical menagerie of mediocre marmots


If you’re new to prompt writing, and don’t really understand how to use the prompts, please consider the following writing exercise.

Settle into your favorite place in the house with a hot drink to warm your waking bones.  Once you’ve warmed up a bit; grab your journal, a trusty pen, and a timer.  Then, set your timer for ten minutes and begin writing about one of the prompts.  Don’t worry about spelling, punctuation, neatness, or anything like that; just write!  Write about anything and everything that comes to your mind, and don’t stop until the ten minutes are up.

I often find myself writing short stories or poems during those ten minutes, but you can write about anything you like.  And don’t be alarmed if what you’ve written doesn’t quite make sense.  The whole idea behind doing this exercise is to get your mind ready and working so that you can begin your day.  Just think of it as exercise for your brain, and once you’ve done your ten minutes of writing, you’ll feel more prepared to tackle the rest of your day.

As always, I will be writing and posting over on my other blog, which can be found here. So please come visit me if you get a chance, and hopefully I can keep up with all of you!

And one last thing before I forget!  I made a quick tutorial for those of you who have been having trouble trying to figure out how to Pingback your posts.  Please go here, if you’d like to view the tutorial.  😉