Free book!


Hey everyone,

If you’re an avid reader, lover of poetry, or just plain bored and need something to do, I have good news for you today.  I’ve decided to offer my book, Beneath the Canopy, as a free download.  My book will be available from 3/20/2020 –  3/24/2020.  I hope all of you will enjoy it, and if you do decide to read it, I‘d really appreciate it if you reviewed it as well.  Thanks in advance, and happy reading!

Please click on one of the links below to get your free copy today!

Amazon-US  Ebook- Beneath the Canopy.

Amazon-UK  Ebook- Beneath the Canopy.

Amazon-DE  Ebook- Beneath the Canopy.

Amazon-FR  Ebook- Beneath the Canopy.

Amazon-ES  Ebook- Beneath the Canopy.

Amazon-IT  Ebook- Beneath the Canopy.

Amazon-NL  Ebook- Beneath the Canopy.

Amazon-JP  Ebook- Beneath the Canopy.

Amazon-BR  Ebook- Beneath the Canopy.

Amazon-CA  Ebook- Beneath the Canopy.

Amazon-MX  Ebook- Beneath the Canopy.

Amazon-AU  Ebook- Beneath the Canopy.

Amazon-IN  Ebook- Beneath the Canopy.

*Please let me know if you have trouble with any of the links.  😉 ~M xo

The new normal?

Empty Walmart

It feels like we’re heading into a new normal. I’ve been on vacation, and as I watch my girls play in the pool, I wonder how long it will be, before even this sort of activity is no longer allowed. It’s sort of a scary thought. Everything we’ve known for such a long time is suddenly changing. Is this our new reality? Everything is closing; people are in a panic at the stores to buy basic necessities. The malls, movie theaters, restaurants, and sports facilities have all become like ghost towns. We never prepared ourselves for such things. And now I feel like one of the few who isn’t ready for the next wave of whatever is coming.

I’m not worried about the virus. I’m healthy for my age, and my girls are young enough that this won’t likely hinder them at all. But what I am worried about is the bigger picture ― the mass chaos, the wars which could break out, and the ones that already are. And I’m concerned that people will foolishly do things to harm other people. This world is already a scary place sometimes, but this seems to go beyond anything I’ve ever known or seen. The real threat isn’t the virus, but instead the human response to the virus, this is what scares me the most, and this is what I fear will be our biggest downfall.

March 2020 Writing Prompts

March writing prompts (1)

Welcome to another month of writing prompts!  I often write the prompts throughout the month when an idea or thought hits me. These ideas often come from snippets of conversations that I’ve had with family or friends. So essentially, these prompts are representative of my life, and all the fun, weird, crazy parts of it. I know some of you have written entire books based on these prompts, and that always leaves me in amazement, especially knowing that parts of my life are now intertwined with parts of yours. So please enjoy these prompts, which are not always just random words, but rather words which mean something to me. I hope they’ll eventually have special meaning for you as well.  ~M xo

  1. A dream in a tear
  2. Under a star near the sea
  3. Warped and wrinkled
  4. Curly fries and plastic bow ties
  5. Attention! Attention! Read all about it…
  6. The truth often hurts
  7. Blowing kisses in the storm
  8. She grew and then he knew
  9. Pages of perfection
  10. Damp dangling tresses
  11. Was it a laugh or a cry?
  12. Stolen sentiments
  13. Dull knives and feisty fellas
  14. Molten kisses
  15. To the moon and back
  16. A tale of turbulence
  17. Eden prairie
  18. Disappointing disasters
  19. Lipstick secrets
  20. Grandma’s medicine
  21. Edible words
  22. Something lost, something given
  23. Evening hush
  24. Slices of life
  25. Voyage views
  26. Peculiar happenings
  27. Crumpled sheets and tousled hair
  28. Shoved in a closet
  29. The best part
  30. Food stamp fortunes
  31. Finding rainbows between the clouds

If you’re new to prompt writing, and don’t really understand how to use the prompts, please consider the following writing exercise.

Settle into your favorite place in the house with a hot drink to warm your waking bones.  Once you’ve warmed up a bit; grab your journal, a trusty pen, and a timer.  Then, set your timer for ten minutes and begin writing about one of the prompts.  Don’t worry about spelling, punctuation, neatness, or anything like that; just write!  Write about anything and everything that comes to your mind, and don’t stop until the ten minutes are up.

I often find myself writing short stories or poems during those ten minutes, but you can write about anything you like.  And don’t be alarmed if what you’ve written doesn’t quite make sense.  The whole idea behind doing this exercise is to get your mind ready and working so that you can begin your day.  Just think of it as exercise for your brain, and once you’ve done your ten minutes of writing, you’ll feel more prepared to tackle the rest of your day.

As always, I will be writing and posting over on my other blog, which can be found here. So please come visit me if you get a chance, and hopefully I can keep up with all of you!

And one last thing before I forget!  I made a quick tutorial for those of you who have been having trouble trying to figure out how to Pingback your posts.  Please go here, if you’d like to view the tutorial.  😉

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