Betrayed – Part 2


The continuing story…  Part 1 can be found, here.

Weak and weary from her merciless ordeal, Scarlett mustered up enough strength to explore her whereabouts.  As exhausted as she felt, she knew she wouldn’t survive if she just stayed where she was.  Earlier that day, she had been carelessly tossed into the icy waters, by a man whom she thought she could trust.  He was someone she had swooned over, for the majority of her young adult life.  Eventually, she discovered a scandalous side of him, which in the end made her disposable.  She had never been a very strong swimmer, and the frigid waters nearly took her breath away.  After almost drowning from the undertow, she somehow managed to escape the forceful current, before it had a chance to overpower her completely.  The sandy beach was deserted, and from first glance, the island seemed to be uninhabited.  Although she had heard rumors of headhunters settling on islands like these, she tried to keep her mind focused on her current predicament, and not assume the worst.

To be continued… Part 3 can be found here.

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