Time to make some changes – Part II

This past year was not the best year for many reasons, and I think many of you can probably relate. So this year, I decided to make some small changes that I thought might help my overall physical and mental health.  Last month I wrote about the goals that I aimed to achieve, and you can read about those goals here. And this month, I just wanted to give a quick update on how things have been going.

Here are the goals I was originally aiming for and the results of my efforts:

1.) Drink one gallon of water daily, which equals four water bottles.

Drinking one gallon of water a day proved to be fairly easy, and I didn’t miss a single day. There were a few times when I’d forgotten and ended up having to drink about half a gallon right before bedtime. When that happened, it made for a very sleep deprived night as I found myself getting up to pee every five minutes. Lol… Luckily I learned my lesson and adjusted my water drinking schedule so that I could finish all of my water earlier in the day.

2.) Lose 5 lbs. a month until I’m at my goal weight, which is 125 lbs.

I decided that weighing myself every day or every week was probably not a smart idea. From past experiences, I’ve always found the results of frequently weighing myself to be defeating at best, and so I decided to only weigh myself once a month. This morning, I weighed myself for the first time, and I am pleased to say that I was able to lose four pounds this month. It’s not as much as I was hoping for, but it’s at least a start.

3.) Eat oatmeal every day to help lower my cholesterol and eat Cheerios as my snack, which is healthier than chips.

I started the month eating Cheerios as my snack but ended the month caving into my cravings for other snacks. I think once I started seeing what seemed like good results; I gave myself a little more freedom to eat more of what I shouldn’t. I did alright with eating oatmeal on the days that I ate breakfast, but when I wasn’t hungry for breakfast, I didn’t eat oatmeal at all. I still don’t know if eating oatmeal has affected my cholesterol levels or not, and that’s probably something I won’t find out until I have repeat blood work done at the end of the year. I plan to stick with this goal, but I also want to be more diligent in my efforts.

4.) Finish reading one book every month.

I surprised myself and actually finished a book this month. I started by rereading “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” by J.K. Rowling. Although I didn’t find the book to be as exciting as the first time I read it, I still enjoyed it, and I realized just how different the book is from the movie. I decided this month to take a break from the HP series and read the book “Home: A Memoir of My Early Years” by Julie Andrews.

5.) Walk at least 10,000 steps every day.

I was surprised to find that I averaged 12,000 steps per day. I’m going to continue with my goal of 10,000 steps a day, but aim for more if I can.

6.) Do a seven-minute workout every day.

I used the “7” App to achieve my seven-minute daily workout, and it was quite a challenge to keep up with it because I loathe any kind of rigorous exercise. But I am happy to announce that I actually stuck with it all month and only missed one day. I still don’t know how I missed that one day. It just completely slipped my mind, and I woke up the next morning wondering how I’d forgotten to do it. I plan to continue my workouts because they don’t take a lot of time, and they seem beneficial.

7.) Journal at the end of each day and keep a daily planner.

This was one goal that I didn’t stick with. I think I made it three days in when I found myself wondering what I could even write about. I’m generally stuck inside without much to talk about, and so it seemed repetitive to write about the same things every day. And the daily planner never got started because I decided not to take college classes this semester. I’ve decided, instead of journaling or keeping a daily planner for the rest of the year, that I’ll write down one thing that made me happy each day. I want to start looking for the things that bring joy to my life so that I can look back on the year and see all the things that made my life so special. Too often, I find myself focusing on the negative aspects and I know that doesn’t help me.

8.) Control portion sizes of food.

I think I’ve been doing reasonably well controlling the portion sizes of my food. I’ve been mostly measuring out my serving sizes, and I’m now better able to gauge how much I should be putting on my plate, even when I don’t measure out my food.

9.) Avoid adding butter, salt, and creamer to foods.

I’ve been good about avoiding all of these foods, but sometimes butter is still getting the best of me because I love it on bread. I also want to start avoiding mayonnaise for the rest of the year and anything that contains large amounts of fat calories.

10.) Avoid soda and alcohol.

I avoided all temptation to have soda or alcohol this month, and I plan to continue this goal for as long as possible. I just feel so much better when I eliminate these two types of drinks from my diet, and so I know it’s important that I maintain my efforts to avoid them.

I plan to continue giving monthly updates on my progress because I think it helps me stay accountable. I hope all of you who have decided to make some changes this year have been successful. We just have to keep trying our best! Cheers to another month of success! ~M xo

Saying goodbye to social media

There have been so many disappointments in my life over the past several years and I think a lot of those issues started with being on social media and the repercussions that came with being on there.  I have mulled over this subject for months and months now and I have finally decided that the time has come for me to close all of my social media accounts.  And as many of you have probably noticed, I haven’t been writing much in recent days.  I just feel like I need to take a step back in many ways.  I have so many other priorities right now and I feel like I need to be focusing my time in other areas of my life.  If any of you need to contact me, I can still be reached by email which can be found if you click on my Gravatar.  Thank you all for understanding, and I will still be providing the writing prompts every month and doing my best to keep up with all of that.  Love you guys… ~M xo

Sketching – Week 4


Well, here’s more of what I’ve been up to this week.  Each week we have a quick sketch that’s due on Wednesday, and then by Sunday, we turn in a final drawing.  This is my Wednesday sketch.  I’m still not sure what my final layout will be for Sunday.  I’ll be starting it tonight, and I think I’ll be adding another book and possibly a bottle to give my still life a little more interest.  Wish me luck, cause it’s for my mid-term project and worth nearly half my grade.  Yikes!  😉

Quick update…


Hey Everyone,

I know it’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything and so I thought I’d give you all a quick update.  I haven’t been shirking my blogging responsibilities out of choice, just been really busy because I’m back in school now and it’s taking up a lot of my time.

So today, I wanted to share what I’ve been doing in one of my classes.  I decided to take a fun class to begin with, and here’s one of the drawings I recently completed.  It’s been so much fun getting back into sketching, which I really haven’t done much of since high school (which was 30 years ago), but it’s slowly coming back to me.  Anyway, it’s always good to revisit the things we used to enjoy, all in order to see if we still find pleasure in them years later.  I’ll try to share more photos of my work from time to time.

Hope all of you have been well.  I’ll try to catch up on reading all of your blogs as soon as I can.  And if there’s something I’ve missed that you’d like to share with me, then please leave a link to your post in the comments below.  I always love it when you guys share things with me like that.  😉


New website!

I’ve got some exciting news to share with all of you, so hold onto your seats!  Okay, I realize it may not be all that exciting, but it really is to me.  While I was away, I decided it was time to make some changes to my blog.  Many of you may have already noticed, but I decided to take all of my poems off of this site.  When I initially started this blog three years ago, I had never intended to use it to write poetry.  In fact, back then I didn’t write poetry at all.  Because of this, I have never felt like this blog has worked with my new style of writing.  So with much thought, hesitation, and uncertainty, I have finally decided to take the plunge and create a whole new site just for my poems.  I will still be writing here every now and then, but I will mainly be posting on my new website.  If you’d like to follow me over there, here’s the link.

Her Writing Haven

I can’t wait to reconnect with all of you!  Hope you’ve been having a great summer.  ~M xo