May Writing Prompts



As you all can see, I decided to go with a book theme this month.  All of these prompts are based on real book titles, and there is one that I found so hilarious, that I couldn’t bear to make an adjustment to the original title.  See if you can find it.  😉  Have fun this month, and remember that you don’t need to do the prompts in any order.  Print them out, cut them apart, stick them in a jar and randomly pull them out.  Or, you could even tape them to your door and play pin the tail on the prompt list to decide which one you’ll write about.  Whatever you decide, just keep on writing!  ~M xo

1. A Ripple in Time
2. The Gregarious Gatsby
3. To Kill a Roadrunner
4. Anne of Gruesome Gables
5. The Hitchhikers Guide to Uranus
6. Fifty Shades of Embarrassment
7. The Call of the Child
8. Wednesday’s with Mary
9. Great Exceptions
10. A Tale of Two Biddies
11. The Cuckoo’s Falling
12. Lord of the Pies
13. The Sun Also Sinks
14. Interview With the Umpire
15. The Apples of Wrath
16. Presumed Guilty
17. The Da Vinci Road
18. Cloudy With a Chance of Grumbles
19. The Brat in the Hat
20. A Long History of Nearly Nothing
21. The Secret Life of Trees
22. Not All Tarts Are Raspberry
23. Illegally Brunette
24. The Sugar Frosted Nutsack
25. Where the Wild Things Aren’t
26. The Plunger Games
27. Green Eggs and Spam
28. Much Ado About Everything
29. The Devil Wears Polyester
30. Water for Hippos
31. The Age of Incontinence

If you’re new to prompt writing, and don’t really understand how to use the prompts, please consider the following writing exercise.

Settle into your favorite place in the house with a hot drink to warm your waking bones.  Once you’ve warmed up a bit; grab your journal, a trusty pen, and a timer.  Then, set your timer for ten minutes and begin writing about one of the prompts.  Don’t worry about spelling, punctuation, neatness, or anything like that; just write!  Write about anything and everything that comes to your mind, and don’t stop until the ten minutes are up.

I often find myself writing short stories or poems during those ten minutes, but you can write about anything you like.  And don’t be alarmed if what you’ve written doesn’t quite make sense.  The whole idea behind doing this exercise is to get your mind ready and working so that you can begin your day.  Just think of it as exercise for your brain, and once you’ve done your ten minutes of writing, you’ll feel more prepared to tackle the rest of your day.

As always, I will be writing and posting over on my other blog, which can be found here. So please come visit me if you get a chance, and hopefully I can keep up with all of you!

And one last thing before I forget!  I made a quick tutorial for those of you who have been having trouble trying to figure out how to Pingback your posts.  Please go here, if you’d like to view the tutorial.  😉

176 thoughts on “May Writing Prompts

        1. I love doing it because I know it’s helping others to be creative and find a little bit of inspiration. I only wish my prompts were inspiring to myself. So often I just don’t feel like they are, and so I don’t write much anymore.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Well maybe you should use someone else’s prompts for yourself?!

            Other than the prompts my writing has totally dried up too. Hope your find your mojo again soon, and thanks for the inspiration; you’ve spawned two books from us on prompted, possibly three soon (watch this space….)

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Thank you, and I know… everyone tells me that and I should, but I’m writing so much for school right now that I really don’t have time to write much else. So is it you who may be spawning the next book, or someone else? If it’s someone else, I’d really love to see one by morethanablackcoffeegirl because I can relate to her writing and I can never get enough of it. I really wish she’d write more often. And I’ve noticed that you aren’t writing on your personal blog anymore, it would be great to see you use it as a travel journal. Your childhood journal was so much fun to read.

              Liked by 1 person

            2. I 100% agree about MTABCGirl – the spartan, precise, beautiful and insightful way she writes is amazing. Hopefully she will, but I have a sequel planned … Thanks, but I’m getting no inspiration at all for my blog, thanks so much

              Liked by 1 person

            3. You’ll have to let me know when it’s coming out! That’s so cool! My blog has gone by the wayside too. It’s hard to keep two of them going.

              Liked by 2 people

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