Love-Hate Challenge


A brand-new challenge (Love-Hate Challenge) is coming around the blogging circle and my name has been tossed into the ring by Yinglan.

Here are the rules:

  • 10 things I love
  • 10 things I hate
  • Nominate 5 – 10 other bloggers

Things I love:

  1. The countless ways that God shows me that he loves me each and every day.
  2. Being outdoors and exploring places that I have never been before.
  3. My family, because their love keeps me going.
  4. Writing, because it allows me to escape into another world.
  5. WordPress, because how else could I be friends with so many different people from around the world.
  6. My two English Mastiffs.  Between the two of them, they are 324lbs of love!
  7. Spending time at the beach, because it is the only place on earth that I truly feel at home.
  8. Fishing off a pier, I always seem to catch something different, and one time I even caught a baby shark!
  9. Quiet moments alone, these are few and far between, but I enjoy them when I get them!
  10. Coffee, because who doesn’t!

Things I hate:

  1. Mean, insensitive, hurtful people.
  2. Gossip.
  3. Spiders.
  4. Public bathrooms.
  5. Anything that is unorganized.
  6. Body Odor.
  7. Weeds.
  8. Tight fitting clothing.
  9. Cold weather.
  10. Mental & physical illnesses.

I’d like to nominate the following bloggers for this challenge:

This is just for fun, so don’t feel obligated to participate.  Have a great day!  🙂

13 thoughts on “Love-Hate Challenge

  1. Oh, my dear Michelle!
    I’ve just found out that you have nominated me for a challenge but I got no message! Perhaps I didn’t see it cause I’ve been a bit busy these days and I left the blog behind. …
    Anyway, thanks for that💟… I”ll see to it as soon as I find some time. ..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s okay, I’m just glad you saw it now. It seems like quite a few people haven’t been getting my messages lately. Not sure why or what is going on. Oh well… I look forward to your answers to the challenge, but please don’t feel obligated. It’s just for fun! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Great list. Great minds must think alike as you hit a lot of my choices too. And coffee! It’s essential to my ability to breath and hold my mind open at the same time. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you, Michelle! I love that you put God in #1. Coz it may come across as cheesy for some but it is so legit. And coffee. COFFEE IS LIFE. Me-times are my faves as well! What do you often do in these times (besides reading, of course)?

    As for your “hate list,” the most that get into my nerve is disorganization. As a self-diagnosed OCPD, this infuriates me to no end. Also, spiders. Gaaah. Those hairy… I can’t!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I appreciate your thoughtful words! Sometimes in my quiet time I just like to sit and watch a sunset and it’s always nice when I can spend those times writing. I also draw or paint, as I love to do both. I think I am a bit OCPD myself, although having 4 girls has taught me to let things go once and awhile. I would go insane otherwise! 🙂


Just sitting here putting my feet in the dirt... if you want to join me, leave a comment.